Natural Eyebrow Tutorial

GOTO Beauty: Natural Eyebrow Tutorial

GOTO Beauty: Natural Eyebrow Tutorial

Natural Eyebrow Tutorial

Natural Eyebrow TutorialWe are back with another GOTO tutorial, but this time, it’s eyebrows!

When done right, eyebrows can really enhance your face, especially your eyes, so after a number of requests from friends and family, I thought I would put together my own natural eyebrow tutorial!

My weapons of choice are MAC Cosmetics eyeshadow in Brun while using a fine angle brush. I also always brush my brows with a spoolie before, during and after I have applied my eyebrows since it is the perfect way to achieve the natural look. I have recently discovered Maybelline’s Brow Drama Sculpting Brow Mascara and so far, I’m loving it. The mascara is perfect for after having filled in your eyebrows.

When applying your eyebrows, it’s important to do a little at time to achieve the perfect shape. Using a white eye pencil or shadow can help outline your brow for perfect application and works as a natural highlight. I happen to start with my ends first and then work my way from the bottom inner to the outer. There should be more focus on the bottom of the eyebrow rather than the top or else you run into an unnatural look, which is never what you want. Once I have created an outline (much like you would with a lip liner), I begin filling in the brow using the angled brush doing small strokes and then alternating between brushing with the spoolie and angle brush.

I hope this tutorial helps when you apply your eyeshadow next time. If you wish to see more of a video tutorial, let me know in the comments or on our Twitter! How do you like to apply your eyebrows?

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