Tips to Get You a Perfect Smile
It isn’t just celebrities who have perfect smiles, you know! ‘Normal’ folk can have incredible smiles too, you just need to put a little more effort in when it comes to taking care of your teeth and oral hygiene. I may not have the straightest and “celeb-worthy” smile, but over the years I’ve really taken care of my teeth and I feel like this guide has been the reason for feeling confident enough to show off my pearly whites!
Brushing With an Electric Toothbrush
Brushing with the right toothbrush is so important, I can’t stress it enough. Rather than feeling like you aren’t getting down and dirty with your brush, you just need to make sure you’re focusing on your teeth as evenly as you possibly can to clean them all thoroughly and let the brush do the real work. If you opt for an electric toothbrush, make sure you change the heads regularly too, as failing to change them could make your gums bleed and cause other dental issues. You may damage your enamel. At the very least, you won’t get as good a result with an old head. You can get more great tips like this from a dentist like Invest in a good toothbrush ASAP because it will make all the difference. Just keep your eye on deals at drugstores since I find toothbrushes or electric toothbrushes can go on sale quite often!
Flossing and Rinsing
Flossing and rinsing are two other essential parts of your daily brushing routine which, I’ll be honest, I don’t do as much as I should. You should floss after brushing to get rid of any leftover debris that might be caught in between the teeth. You may bleed at first if you don’t usually do this, but it should settle down after a short while. You should then follow up with a rinse to make sure your mouth is completely clean and your breath is fresh! Flossing using a floss to suit your teeth is important, as some are thicker than others. Making sure you get in between each tooth and not skipping teeth is important too.
Whitening Your Teeth
If you think your teeth need it, then whitening them is a good idea as I’ve mentioned here. You have a few options for this. Contacting a professional is the first obvious solution. They’ll be able to whiten your teeth safely, and give you aftercare advice to help you make the results last as long as possible. You can also do it yourself at home, but you need to make sure you’re using a reputable product to do it. Some methods and products can be dangerous if you don’t do your research properly. There are home whitening strips available that work well, or you can use natural products like coconut oil to help you. Don’t automatically go for the cheapest option, as messing with your teeth isn’t something that should be taken lightly. You must make sure the method you go for is safe to use.
Eating and Drinking the Right Stuff
Eating and drinking the right stuff can make or break your smile. If you have too many things that can discolour your teeth in your diet, you’re not going to have the best looking grin possible. As a general rule, if something would discolour your white t-shirt, it’ll likely discolour your teeth. Try to keep these foods to a minimum, especially soon after whitening them as your teeth are more permeable. Things like tea, coffee, red wine and strawberries can all discolour your teeth. Make sure you do your research and go shopping accordingly!
Never Use Your Teeth as Tools – Seriously!
Whatever you do, never use your teeth as tools. I know this might sound ridiculous, but if you don’t notice, people do this all the time and it drives me nuts! This includes biting your nails and ripping labels off with your teeth. You especially shouldn’t be opening bottles or doing anything that could chip or crack your teeth. If you’re not careful, you could end up with a bunch of chips that make your teeth look wonky and unattractive. It might take being a little more mindful, but it’s important if you want a great smile!
Visiting the Dentist Often
Make sure you visit the dentist once a year, or if you notice any big changes in your oral health. If you leave issues too long, you could end up having more serious and expensive work done. If you’re quite self conscious of your teeth already, then taking care of them at home likely won’t help that much. You might want to consider cosmetic dentistry. You can find info on dentures and similar procedures here Even if you’re unsure, it won’t hurt to have a consultation with a dentist.
Choose Lipstick Carefully
In order to show off the perfect smile, you need to have the perfect lipstick to go with it. Different lipsticks suit different skin tones, so you need to make sure you’ve picked one to suit yours. Different shades can make your teeth look whiter or more discoloured too, so you may need to experiment with different shades to see what works for you. Choosing a lipstick that actually stays on your lips rather than transfers to your teeth is a good idea too. You don’t want to flash somebody a winning grin only to realise later on that you had lipstick on your teeth the whole time.
Use these tips consistently and soon you’ll be able to show off a winning smile! Taking care of your teeth is an ongoing thing, and it might take you a little time to see great results. Just be patient and the results should come. Don’t be afraid to visit a cosmetic dentist to visit your needs if you feel you need it. It can help your confidence and self esteem like you wouldn’t believe!