10 Things To Do For Yourself Today - Girls Of T.O.

10 Things To Do For Yourself Today

10 Things To Do For Yourself Today

10 Things To Do For Yourself Today

I don’t always open up a whole lot here on the blog personally, but with a new found understanding of it being okay to “not be okay”, I think it’s time that I share a little more personal posts on the blog.

As much as social media always presents a highlight reel of life, there is no denying that we all have those FML moments and days that just seem too much. Honestly, even months and years where we are just lost.

While I am still finding myself and taking every opportunity to do just that, I have to admit that I am moons better than I was back in 2015. Without divulging too much and making this post a 30 minute read, I have to say that I was just not happy. I cannot quite put into words what I felt and can sometimes feel to this day, but it was just, unhappiness.

I reached an age when people would say “you should know yourself and what you want your life to look like” but honestly, for a very long time, I didn’t. Being a national athlete growing up until I was 18 made me feel like my personal road of life was set. I had the perfect idea of what my life would look like, but of course, life took over and you grow up and not everything is as clear cut as you thought. I was lost, not sure where my life would lead and it just spiralled out of control. Instead of finding anything to motivate myself, it completely consumed me.

For no (true) reason at all, I just spent my days unhappy and in uncontrollable tears.

It took me a long time to get where I am today. It was never easy and as I spoke to people going through similar issues, I felt like I had no advice for them. All I could say is, “focus on the good” and “do whatever it is that makes you happy today – anything at all”. That was all I could say. With so many things controlling your unhappiness, how do you even get out of it without seeing a doctor like people suggested?

You Do What Makes You Happy.

Even if it means going to buy flowers for your home. (That was a big one for me) Or spending the day at the beach or even meeting up with your best friend. Without allowing yourself to lose touch of your end goal, each day should be lived as each day and with that, you fill them up with as much happiness as possible.

Being in a negative head space only makes it easy to forget the good.

It may feel overwhelming at times and if you are going through a tough time, it’s hard to think about overcoming it, but here is just a simple list of 10 things you can do to keep a smile on your face and believe that good things are coming!

  1. Smile More. This was difficult for me at times, but by simply choosing to smile, you are already convincing your mind its happy. It can actually work! Not to mention you are putting out good vibes to those who see you and that gorgeous smile!
  2. Treat Yo Self. I’m not saying go on a Britney Spears shopping spree, but yes, go and treat yourself to something nice. Whether its a delicious brunch, a new bag or new workout gear, give yourself some credit. You deserve it!
  3. Don’t Compare Yourself. In the age of Instagram and social media, it can be easy to compare your life to others. I will tell you that this is the worst thing you can do. As I mentioned that Instagram is a highlight reel, so don’t compare your life to others because you really don’t know the whole story. Learn to be happy with what you have and make the most out of it!
  4. Keep Good People Close. I would have never gotten out of my troubled times if I didn’t have a great support system. Surrounding yourself with good people is an immediate mood booster! It also helps to get a good chuckle in as well!
  5. Workout. Self love comes first and working out is a big part of that and a great way to clear your mind and get your body moving. I understand that it can be very difficult to get fit when unhappy, but once you start, it will improve your mood immensely!
  6. Get Meditating. Like working out, but for your mind, this is a great way to put positive thoughts and keep your goals on track. When unhappy or having a difficult time, meditating can help encourage positivity and growth.
  7. Let Go of Negativity. Easier said than done, right? Negativity will get you nowhere so stop yourself from negative thoughts and stay away from negative people. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
  8. Talk It Out. Clothes, TV, love interests, you name it, just talk it out! I found this to be so incredibly helpful. Just talking and being open to the people closest to you allows you to see the good and believe that there is more to life than just the issues you are currently facing.
  9. Replace Phrases with Positive Ones. No more “I can’t” but instead “I can”. No more “I wish” and instead use “I will”. Once your mind catches up with your words, then you have no idea what you will be capable of. It’s an old saying but honestly, Believe in YOURSELF!
  10. Embrace Life. Cherish life! You have one life to live and focusing on the negative will only create a cycle. Embrace life and all it has to offer. Be thankful for the good and focus on that instead of what may not work. Difficult times are hard to deal with, but i have no doubt that they will teach you a valuable lesson. A perfect way to phrase this: “The only people with no problems are the ones doing nothing”

I would love to hear your tips on what one can do to be happy – share in the comments below!

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