$100 Back to School Clearasil GIVEAWAY! - Girls Of T.O.

$100 Back to School Clearasil GIVEAWAY!

$100 Back to School Clearasil GIVEAWAY!

Clearasil & Girls of T.O. want you to start off the new school year with a clear complexion and confidence! We have $100 worth of Clearasil products for one lucky winner! Whether you want this amazing set of blemish busters for yourself or maybe you know someone who could benefit from them, all you have to do is enter! You can enter up to three times either on YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter! Here are the super easy steps to be eligable to win:

  1. Log onto YouTube, Facebook, and/or Twitter
  2. Subscribe, Like, and Follow
  3. Leave us a comment/tweet about school or skin!
  4. Wait for your name to be announced!

We hope that you’re all as excited as we are!! For more info just watch the YouTube video below! Good luck in the giveaway and of course the new school year!!



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