3 Bridal Regrets & How to Avoid Them
It’s easy to become overwhelmed when you start wedding planning. There is so much to do and sort before your big day. And even though 12 or 18 months feels like ages, it will fly by when you are trying to organize your wedding day. Therefore, it’s so easy when you are busy to make mistakes when wedding planning. In fact, over 30% of brides have had wedding regrets when they look back on their big day. Therefore, here are some wedding planning errors that you need to avoid at all costs.
Being a bridezilla with friends and family
Wedding planning can be stressful as we want everything to be perfect for our special day, but it doesn’t mean that you should turn into a bridezilla when you are planning your wedding day. Otherwise, once the wedding is done and dusted, your friends and family might not be so keen to spend time with you! Therefore, you need to try and enjoy the experience and remember it’s only one day. After all, you hopefully will only get married once, so you need to make the most of the special time as it won’t happen again. Try and have some fun before the big day and remember to say thank you to friends and family who are helping with your big day. After all, they are making a big effort to ensure your day goes to plan.
Not spending more time choosing ring
A lot of the time we are in such a rush to get things sorted for the wedding that we don’t spend enough time thinking a decision over. It often leads to errors with our choices that we look back with regret in years to come. One of these things is choosing your wedding ring. It’s so important that you are selecting a ring which you are going to love for years to come. After all, if you just buy something which is trendy at the moment, you might hate it when it becomes unfashionable in years to come. Therefore, go for something traditional that you will love on your finger. Also, remember to check whether it looks great against your engagement ring. You might want to choose something plain which is ideal next to custom engagement rings with plenty of bling!
Not letting their groom have more say about the day
It’s so easy to start thinking about the wedding as ‘your’ day. And as much as it has to be perfect for you, it’s also a special day for your other half. Therefore, you need to ensure you ask for his opinion before making major decisions. Make sure he goes with you when you are planning flowers and choosing the venue etc. Otherwise, grooms to be tend to feel pushed out when it comes to the wedding. Then when they look back on the day, he may feel resentment over particular decisions. Therefore, remember to make sure he is involved as much as possible!
Bear in mind that it is only just one day, so think about what you are spending when booking things. A lot of couples look back and wish they spent less as they end up paying it back for years!