3 Simple Things That Can Age Your Home

3 Simple Things That Can Age Your Home

3 Simple Things That Can Age Your Home
3 Simple Things That Can Age Your Home

You know a run-down home when you see it, right? It’s something you can usually just notice immediately because the signs are clear. But for the most part, when it comes to your own home, your perspective is going to be a bit skewed. You want to make your home look comfortable, cute, and maybe even trendy too, right? 

You want to make sure everything looks nice and orderly, right? Well, you might be surprised to hear this, but there could be a chance that you’re unintentionally making your home look rundown, or you’re accidentally neglecting something around your home that’s inadvertently making your home look run down. But what exactly? Well, here’s what you need to know!

Dirty Windows

When was the last time you cleaned your windows? Or, when was the last time you looked into local window cleaning services to get the job done? This is probably the number one thing that makes a home look unkept, and it’s the thing that people usually don’t even realize is causing it. Unless there are actual messes and stains, you don’t immediately think about washing the windows, right?

Just think of it this way your windows are like the eyes of your home, letting in light and offering glimpses of the world outside. So, if they’re covered in grime and dirt, they can make your whole house look dull and neglected. It’s not too much work to get these cleaned (both inside and out) and if you can’t reach, or don’t have a ladder, then you should just call some professionals to help you out. 

3 Simple Things That Can Age Your Home

Dingy Walls

Are your walls looking a bit worse for wear? Scuffed, chipped, or outdated paint can make your home feel drab and dated. Yes, even if the paint is chipped or the wallpaper is peeling, this just makes the space look unkept. Honestly, it’s going to be your best bet to just go ahead and give your walls a makeover with a fresh coat of paint in a light, neutral shade to instantly brighten and modernize your space. 

And don’t forget to patch up any holes or cracks before you start painting – attention to detail makes all the difference! If paint is boring, then you can even add some wallpaper, but again, make sure it’s applied accurately. 

Where’s the Greenery?

This may be a personal opinion, but if there isn’t any greenery inside or outside of your house it can lack a little something special. You can think of plants as natural air fresheners, breathing life and vitality into your home (figuratively and literally). But if your space is lacking in greenery, it can feel sterile and unwelcoming. 

It can honestly be as simple as just adding some houseplants to each room, choosing varieties that are easy to care for and suit your lifestyle. But the same goes for outside too. You don’t want to neglect these areas. Make sure there’s greenery, make sure the grass is mowed, make sure there’s color too! Sure, it’s a lot of work, but all of this greatly contributes to making your interior and exterior looking way better. 

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