5 Ways to Switch Up Your Morning Routine This Fall - Girls Of T.O.

5 Ways to Switch Up Your Morning Routine This Fall

5 Ways to Switch Up Your Morning Routine This Fall

5 Ways to Switch Up Your Morning Routine This Fall

For me, nothing is better than a beautiful, crisp fall morning. Fall always reminds me of back to school and a fresh start and thats exactly how I’m treating it. Leading up to the Holidays, I’m always reminded of whats important, and of course that involves making myself a priority, and that includes looking after my body and mind as well. With that being said, I’ve been switching up my mornings this season because after a bit of a rut, I needed a new outlook and that started with my morning routine.

A few simple switcharoos and I’m now enjoying my simple, yet effective morning routine that has been giving me energy to start the day and a piece of mind to stay positive and motivated throughout the day.

Switch Out Your Coffee

It’s common sense that coffee helps you wake up and stay alert throughout the day, but I started to feel like I relied on it too much. I wasn’t paying close attention to my sleeping habits and my morning routine because I always thought “well, my coffee will wake me up”, and I started to hate that.

I began switching my morning coffee for tea and while at first I felt like it wasn’t quite doing it for me, once I started to veer off of coffee, it made me feel amazing actually. I still do enjoy a coffee now and then, but I do it because I like it, not because I NEED it. Drinking my peppermint or chamomile tea in the morning has positively effected me in a number of ways. My complexion felt like it was improving, my mind felt more focused and rather than get me jacked up and my blood pumping, tea actually calmed me for my work and actually in some way, allowed me to slow my mornings down.

Turn On A Podcast

Okay, this is old news to some (which is a little embarrassing), but I can’t believe I waited so long to get on podcasts. The first ever podcast I listened to was actually Seth Rogen’s and since the first episode, I have been hooked and eventually got on board with number of podcasts that have actually changed my life!

I am totally a music or Netflix girl, so when I used to get ready in the morning or to sit down to do some work in the a.m, I would always have one or the other on and I never noticed how much it actually distracted me. While I am a visual person, I feel like we sometimes rely on our eyes to do the thinking rather than our mind, so once I switched to podcast listening, I feel like it really opened up my mind to so much more. The best part is that depending on your mood, you can start your day listening to a podcast and even one that focuses on positive thinking or meditation – the list is endless!

It even helps to listen to a funny podcast-er so you can let the stress out and the smiles in right when you start the day!

Morning Beauty TLC 

Obviouslyyyyyy beauty is a part of my morning routine, but switching things up have kept things more exciting than ever. I used to keep all my heaving beauty treatments like masks for the end of my day, but lately I’ve swapped it all and have been going to bed a little earlier and waking up earlier so I can give my skin some morning TLC.

Of course, this sort of thing can’t be done EVERY morning (ain’t nobody got time for that), but every few mornings I’ll start my day with a brightening mask – I’m currently loving Rodial’s Vit C Energizing Face Mask, and slip it on while reading some emails or making my breakfast. Switching up my beauty also includes my hair and I’ve been making more of an effort to try different hair looks, and even keep my hair au naturale for a change.

Set Your Goals for the Day 

Setting my goals for the day, meditating, and giving myself a few minutes to be centred every morning has done more for me than anything, but all of these tips together have truly helped me start my day right. Rather than reaching for my phone as soon as I wake up, I’ve opted to give myself a 5 minute stretch in bed, I then meditate and I take my time getting ready and THEN reach for my phone to read through emails as I enjoy my coffee.

Before I sit down at my desk or head out for the day, I list my goals for the day and that includes both work goals as well as personal goals. It could range between finishing a project so giving myself mid-day break to workout. I see these all as goals for the day because I see it as what i hope to complete before the end of the day. It is so easy for me to get carried away with projects that in fact, I’m not as efficient as I should be, so laying out my goals for the day allows me to stay on track as well as motivated when I finally cross it off my list!

What are some of your ideas to switch up your morning routine this fall? 

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