A Guide To Treating Knee Pain Naturally

A Guide To Treating Knee Pain Naturally

Suffering from any pain can make you feel utterly miserable, especially when it affects your ability to get around. Whilst it can be tempting to treat injuries and chronic joint pain with medical drugs, it is not a long term solution.

Whether your knee pain is caused by a minor sports injury or a long term medical condition, there are many ways you can keep the pain under control at home without the use of drugs. For our easy-to-follow guide to treating knee pain naturally, have a read below:

Start off by establishing the cause of your pain: have you injured yourself or strained your knee, or are you suffering from chronic knee pain caused by arthritis? Once you know what has caused your pain, you can then begin to treat it.

Sprain or injury

For a sprain or other knee injury, you need to start by resting it. Sit down and apply a pack of ice or a cool compress to the affected area. Wrap your knee in a compression bandage – this will help to reduce any swelling that may occur. While you are resting, make sure to keep your foot elevated at an angle – you can prop a pillow under it to help.

Once the injury starts to heal, it is a good idea to begin doing some light exercise. Things such as a gentle jog, yoga or Pilates, swimming, or gentle stretches are all useful ways to help strengthen the injured area. For professional advice on strengthening any injury, it is a good idea to consult a doctor, sports therapist or physiotherapist.

Chronic knee pain

For chronic knee pain, such as arthritis or osteoporosis, while there is no cure, there are many ways you can reduce the pain and swelling.

Just like sprains or injuries, chronic knee pain can be helped by ice, heat and rest. Ice and heat therapy is a popular natural treatment for long-term knee pain. Many sufferers use heat to stop the joint from stiffening and ice to help reduce any inflammation or swelling of the area.

Some gentle daily exercise can help to keep joints moving and reduce some of the pain. Exercise is also essential for keeping healthy and at the correct weight. Being overweight can affect and increase the pain and problems of joint pain. The more weight you are carrying around, the more pressure on the knee.

Flexibility encouraging exercise, like Tai Chi and yoga, can help to reduce the pain. These forms of mind – body exercise can help to improve the body’s balance and flexibility. Studies have suggested that Tai Chi can be beneficial to anyone suffering from arthritis or osteoarthritis. It can help to reduce pain and increase the joints range of motion.

As well as taking part in gentle exercise, some people recommend alternative medicines, like herbal remedies for reducing pain. One study suggested that a homemade balm of ginger, cinnamon, sesame oil, and mastic was effective at reducing pain. Some chronic knee pain sufferers also use aloe vera to help them deal with their pain and reduce inflammation. While aloe vera can be applied topically, most sufferers choose to drink it and treat the inflammation from the inside.

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