Accepting yourself for who you are is one of the best things you’ll ever do. Too many of us ‘self hate’, think negatively and tell ourselves horrible things that aren’t really true. If you’d like to accept yourself for who you are, read on for some tips to help you get there. It’s not always easy, but boy is it ever worth it!
Make a List of Things You Love About Yourself
Make a list as long as you can fill of things you love about yourself. It can be your strengths, physical attributes, anything at all. Whether you love the way your nails grow or you’re very witty, put it on your list. Add things as you come up with them. Look at this list if you ever feel down or sad and remember all of the amazing things you have to be thankful for!
Accept the Things You Can’t Change
There are some things you just can’t change. The size/colour of your eyes, height, and similar things. Embrace them and love the things that make you unique rather than wishing you could change them. For every person out there wishing they could change something about themselves, there’s somebody wishing they had that exact attribute or feature! If there’s something that really affects your self esteem and you’re otherwise in a good place mentally, you do have the option to see a surgeon. If you hate the size of your nose, for instance, you could see a rhinoplasty surgeon to see what can be done if it’s truly something that affects you. Just remember, surgery won’t solve all of your problems!
Think Positive Thoughts
Positive thoughts are a must if you’re going to accept yourself. Try your best to turn negatives into positives. Rather than hating your thick thighs, love how curvy and healthy they make you look. Some people out there would kill for thicker thighs! Don’t let negativity enter your head. If a negative thought creeps in, banish it as fast as you can.
Be Kind to Yourself
We’re usually kind to others, but not very kind to ourselves. Think of all of the horrible things you’ve ever said to yourself and ask yourself if you’d say that to a friend. If not, you shouldn’t be saying it to yourself! You wouldn’t tell your friend she was fat and ugly, so don’t say it to yourself.
Act With Confidence
Even if you don’t feel very confident right now, you should act with confidence. Acting with confidence will trick your brain into believing you are confident, and the more you do it the more naturally it’ll come to you. Many people ‘fake it until they make it’ and it really works! You can also increase your confidence by working out, joining groups in your area, and meditating!
By using these tips, you may eventually be able to accept yourself for who you are. It can be difficult if you’ve been this way for a long time, but you can train yourself to think differently with consistency. It’ll be worth it in the long run, so get started now!