After Breast Cancer Kicks Off National Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Girls Of T.O.

After Breast Cancer Kicks Off National Breast Canc...

After Breast Cancer Kicks Off National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

While supporting so many wonderful charities for people with life threatening illnesses, we often forget about those who have already won the battle. What next?

That’s were certified bra fitter and owner of Toronto’s Premier Jour Fine Lingerie, Alicia Vianga, comes in. She recently started the After Breast Cancer (ABC) charity program dedicated to supporting women recovering from breast cancer with limited resources. ABC helps women regain by providing them with new or gently used bras, camisoles and prostheses at no cost.

This October, After Breast Cancer will be kick starting National Breast Cancer Awareness Month by raising funds and awareness of their program. Currently, they are selling tickets to the Toronto Argonauts Pink Game on October 14th, where a portion of the sales will go to ABC. Alicia is also asking Premier Jour Fine Lingerie customers to contribute to the cause at her St. Clair Avenue West store.

Right now, 70 percent of women do not have the financial resources or private ensure to purchase the necessary bra and prostheses.  Without this support, many women are unable to function in day-to-day life and tend to withdraw from both society and family. ABC hopes to help these women restore their former quality of life.


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