Aubrey Plaza on the Cover of GLOW Winter 2014 Edition - Girls Of T.O.

Aubrey Plaza on the Cover of GLOW Winter 2014 Edit...

Aubrey Plaza on the Cover of GLOW Winter 2014 Edition


Funny girl, Aubrey Plaza covers the Winter 2014 edition of Glow Magazine. Photographed by Chris Nicholls, The Parks and Recreation actress is usually known for her hilarious antics, but this spread and interview inside Glow showcases the actress in a new light.

In the issue, Plaza explains what her main motivation is and despite what others may think, she considers herself to be a shy person.

On her shy personality versus her bold persona:

“I think I’m a pretty shy person, actually,” she admits, “which is always surprising to people because I’m not afraid of doing ridiculous things in front of people or in front of a camera. But in my own personal life I’m actually, I think, kind of introverted and I don’t know why.”

On her greatest influence, award-winning actor-director Christopher Guest:

“I think the improvised stuff really spoke to me because it felt so natural and weird; there was this awkward uncomfortableness about it that I really, really liked….And I think that probably influenced me a lot,” she adds, in a self-deprecating tone, “because I tend to make people feel very uncomfortable.”

On convincing casting directors of her worthiness:

“… my favourite thing is to convince people to want me.”

On her main motivation:

“Making people laugh—that feeling is everything for me,” she says. “It’s like a weird release and you feel like you’re contributing to someone else’s joy.”

Pick up your copy of Glow at Shoppers Drug Mart now!




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