Beauty Hair Care Holy Grail by Dani goddard 17 September SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Wen by Chaz Dean I rarely order anything off of informercials because there’s a certain sting of defeat when the product proves to be a..
Fashion Trisha Paytas vs. Brandy Melville by Dani goddard 9 August SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Typically I only like to write about things I love, amazing brands, and great experiences, but since finding this video on YouTube I felt I..
Beauty Grow Long & Strong Nails with Mavala Scientifique the Miracle Product by Dani goddard 30 July SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest I AM SO EXCITED TO TRY THIS!!! Here is my story: I’ve always had a problem with my nails chipping, flaking, peeling, bending, cracking, and..
Beauty My Everyday Make-Up Essentials by Dani goddard 16 July SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Although I am overly obsessed with make-up and all things beauty, my day-to-day make-up routine is pretty simple. I stick to using the basics but..
Beauty Flawless Foundation Routine For Acne Prone Skin (Tutorial) by Dani goddard 6 July SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest BEFORE AFTER httpv://
Events Fashion CNIB – Show Your Shades of Fun by Dani goddard 16 June SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Once the summer weather hits the most important thing for us is planning some well deserved vacation time and of course busting out the new..
Fashion The Perfect Boot: McKenna by Bogs® Footwear by Dani goddard 6 May SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest I don’t know about you, but I feel like every winter I’m fighting a battle between style and sanity. I either pick a pair of..
Beauty Confessions of a Make-Up Whore: Rimmel Review by Dani goddard 5 May SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest I am a huge make-up addict. I will have a YouTube channel set up toward the end of the summer so you all better watch..
Events Shadows of Liberty – The Media Monopoly in American Journalism by Dani goddard 22 April SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Once in a while a movie comes along that makes it very hard for us not to talk about it – Shadows of Liberty is..
Fashion Aqua Di Lara on Germany’s Next Top Model 2012 by Dani goddard 24 March SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Germany’s Next Top Model 2012 show aired its swimsuit edition two weeks ago, with the 25 beautiful finalists in Thailand on the secluded Layan Beach in..