When I first read the invitation for this event, I was rather confused. Of course when it said Tips Nail Bar, I knew that it may have to do with a possible manicure or pedicure of some sort, but I wasn’t sure about what Avocados had to do with it, unless it meant I was going to feast on some guacamole. Mmmm.
I was wrong. Well, slightly.
APEAM (Avocado Producers and Exporting Packers Association of Mexico) is a non-profit organization that represents the Mexican Hass avocado industry. Avocados from Mexico does the job of spreading awareness about the benefits of Avocados. Ah-ha!
Upon arrival, with wine in hand, we were treated to a manicure from Tips Nail Bar, but before that, we got a soothing avocado hand treatment. This was the first time that had ever tried avocado other than shovelling it in my mouth. I was surprised to enjoy the avocado mix which consisted of egg white, rolled oats and lemon juice. We left the mixture on for 20 minutes and after washing off the somewhat hardened mixture, I found that my hands felt moisturized as I’m typically cursed with dry hands.
While we sat with our hands drenched in avocado, Janine Falcon talked to us about other beauty avocado treatments.
Janine Falcon of Beauty Geeks talked to us about other avocado beauty treatments which I can’t wait to try! I’m thinking a quaint little spa day at home with an avocado face mask, body scrub and if I have some leftover, I can make some of my favourite guacamole!
For yummy avocado recipes, visit missavacado.ca.
The Results:
A manicure that I was so happy about! Thanks to the Tips Nail Bar team as well as the team from Avocados from Mexico!