Beauty Secrets That Every Woman Should Know

Beauty Secrets That Every Woman Should Know

Beauty Secrets That Every Woman Should Know

Beauty Secrets That Every Woman Should Know

We women do not have it easy. Men can jump in the shower, dry off and get dressed and look perfectly respectable. Women, on the other hand, have to spend a good hour or two making ourselves look perfect. From our eyes to our fingernails, we leave no stone unturned. The result is amazing, but it is a lot of hard work! Thankfully, there are a few secrets out there that we are going to share with you today that will make everything simpler and easier. You can thank us later!


Cover Over The Cracks

Keeping with the nail theme, you can also cover over any chips you may have with glittery nail polish. Instead of starting all over when you find a crack, just coat your nails with textured varnish. Unlike conventional lacquer, the textured kind is supposed to look uneven. As a result, it is great for repairing any problems that pop up out of nowhere.

Freeze Your Nails

When you are in a rush, there is nothing more annoying than waiting for drying nails. There are quick dry products on the market, and they are Godsend. But, on occasion, you won’t have any quick dry products lying around and you will need another alternative. Don’t fear because the answer is simple – freeze your nails. Simply place your nails in a bowl of ice water for about five to ten minutes and watch them go!

Face Wipes Are Your Friend

Because makeup isn’t good for our skin, we need to remove it before we can start over again. In fact, if you want flawless skin, you need to make sure that all the signs of the previous day’s makeup are well and truly out of sight. Facial wipes, or baby wipes as they are also known, are brilliant because they get deep into the pores. And, because they are made for baby’s’ skin, they are incredibly gentle and mild. Your skin doesn’t have to take a battering any longer!

attends Flaunt Magazine and G-Star Raw celebrate pre-release of The Dye Issue with Lily Collins at G-Star Raw, Rodeo Drive on August 13, 2013 in Los Angeles, California.

attends Flaunt Magazine and G-Star Raw celebrate pre-release of The Dye Issue with Lily Collins at G-Star Raw, Rodeo Drive on August 13, 2013 in Los Angeles, California.

Use A Primer

What’s a primer? A primer is something that you apply to your skin that allows your makeup to grip better. Like most women, you probably have to apply constantly bronzer or foundation, don’t you? If the answer is yes, a primer gives them something to hold onto, so they last for longer. The result is better for your skin, better for your look and only adds a couple of minutes to your routine. Even better, most primers are lightweight, so they feel and look lightweight.

Get Waxing

Shaving has to be the most irritating grooming technique known to women. Not only does it take ages, but it also irritates the skin leaving it dry and flaky. Waxing might not seem like a gentle alternative, but it is when you compare the two methods. A couple of minutes of pain mean you no longer have to spend hours in the bathroom shaving your legs before a night out. Plus, hair stays away longer and your legs look silky smooth.

Pay A Pro

If all else fails, hire a makeup artist! After all, they are experts who should be able to do your makeup quickly and make you look stunning in the process.

For most women, that is a small price to pay!


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