Bring Back Your Favourite Essie Shade with #essiebringback
We’ve all experienced the devastating moment when a staple limited-edition beauty product is no longer available… but what if you could bring them back? Well, we have some very exciting news that gives you the opportunity to show some #essielove to your favourite departed shades with the potential of helping it make a come-back!
Now, the #essiebringback campaign lets you cast a vote to have ANY past shade return to Canadian shelves and the tips of nailistas across the country.
Wouldn’t you like to take another swing in the ‘urban jungle’? Or indulge in your ‘guilty pleasures’ to be the epitome of ‘cascade cool’? Even a ‘first timer’ can get in on the action!
To nominate shades, visit any of essie Canada’s social platforms and follow the easy instructions below – you only have until August 3rd to nominate!
Instagram (@essiecanada) – comment below the #essiebringback post on @essiecanada listing your nominated shade name or post an image of your nominated shade with the hashtag #essiebringback followed by the shade name.
Twitter (@essiecanada) – tweet @essiecanada using the hashtag #essiebringback followed by your nominated shade name.
Facebook (essie Canada) – comment below the #essiebringback facebook post on the brand page listing your nominated shade name.
Following the nomination phase, essie will narrow down all the selections and announce the top 12 most missed shades on August 6th! To crown the winning shade you will then have until August 20th to visit essie Canada’s facebook page and click to vote for your favourite #essiebringback shade option. Choose wisely – you will only get one vote to have your say!
ONE winning shade will be brought back by popular demand for release in January 2016 in Canada.