DIY- Festive Gift Bags - Girls Of T.O.

DIY- Festive Gift Bags


Confession time… I’m a holiday-a-holic! When the clock strikes midnight on November 12th my heart grows three sizes bursting with holiday cheer.  With winter’s chill in the air, this is the perfect opportunity to spend some time indoors DIY-ing. Celebrating the holidays, whichever those may be for you, is sure to provide you with craft inspiration.

In addition to the plethora of cheesy made-for-TV movies, jingle bell remixes and yummy treats, my favourite part of this season is giving presents. When it comes to perfecting the art of gift giving it’s the thought that counts, so put some thought into it!

This year, I am on a mission to DIY my way through the holidays, and I hope you join me! I decided to jump the gun a little and created some personalized gift bags for my nearest and dearest. I don’t quite have the contents of the bags sorted out yet, but now know they will look pretty sitting under my tree.

All you need to create these festive bags on your own are:

  • Plain paper gift bags
  • Acrylic paint
  • Paint brushes (I choose a sponge brush as I have an unfortunately unsteady hand)
  • Letter stencils (unless you were blessed with a steady hand!)
  • Paper doilies
  • Ribbon


Step one:

Place a doily on the centre of the bag and use it as a stencil. Painting around the doily will create a beautiful snowflake effect on the bag. Be sure to remove the doily before the paint dries.



Step two:

In the centre of the painted ‘ring’ use a letter stencil for a fancy monographed effect.


Step three:  Finish by tying a festive bow using your ribbon. This step is optional but gives it a nice finishing touch.


For a longer-lasting option switch to a canvas tote bag and fabric paint. This bag can be used for all occasions. Switch up the colours and the stencil pattern and your gifts will be the talk of your next party.

Happy crafting!

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Sarah studied English and Communications at Wilfrid Laurier University and has a postgraduate certificate in Public Relations from Humber College. Sarah currently does communications for a Toronto based health care organization, and is looking forward to putting her creative energy to work through GOTO. Sarah is looking to share her craftiness and love of life, beauty and fun with the readers of GOTO. Stay tuned while Sarah shows her passion for taking something ordinary and making it beautiful. Is there something you've always wanted to make or recreate in your home? Tell Sarah and she's on it! A self-proclaimed culture junkie, Sarah is eager to explore all the wonder that Toronto has to offer. Her curious nature and love of writing can be traced back to her childhood admirations for Harriet the Spy. "I want to see the whole world- and I want to write down everything" - Harriet the Spy


    Aleksandra Lesniak

    28 November

    This is super cute! A personalized bag makes a gift that much more special 🙂
