DIY- Warm Winter Headband - Girls Of T.O.

DIY- Warm Winter Headband


Cold days in Toronto call for the cosiest of winter accessories. Have you ever wanted to make your own winter headband but dreaded the idea of picking up knitting needles? Give this simple DIY project a try using materials you likely have lying around.

All you need are:

  • A pair of winter tights. The thicker the better! – I chose a knitted grey pair
  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread
  • 10-15 minutes

Start by cutting both legs of the tights in strips the length of your head. Measure twice, cut once!


Next, hand stitch the ends of one of the ‘legs’ of your tights. Tuck in the ends to create a clean hem.  Don’t worry if this isn’t perfect- you’re going to cover most of it up later.


Fold the second ‘leg’ into a bow shape in whichever size you prefer.  Trim the edges until you are able to perfect your ideal bow.  Once again, hand stitch the bow together to keep its shape.


The last step is to attach your bow to your headband. Choose the angle you like best for your custom headband. Dress this up or down by using tights with a different colour or pattern.


Voila! Keep those ears warm in style.


Bet you can’t make just one!

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Sarah studied English and Communications at Wilfrid Laurier University and has a postgraduate certificate in Public Relations from Humber College. Sarah currently does communications for a Toronto based health care organization, and is looking forward to putting her creative energy to work through GOTO. Sarah is looking to share her craftiness and love of life, beauty and fun with the readers of GOTO. Stay tuned while Sarah shows her passion for taking something ordinary and making it beautiful. Is there something you've always wanted to make or recreate in your home? Tell Sarah and she's on it! A self-proclaimed culture junkie, Sarah is eager to explore all the wonder that Toronto has to offer. Her curious nature and love of writing can be traced back to her childhood admirations for Harriet the Spy. "I want to see the whole world- and I want to write down everything" - Harriet the Spy


