Fashion’s Newest App – Style-Eyes

Fashion’s Newest App – Style-Eyes

We’ve been there before. We spot a lovely lady with the perfect leather bag we’ve been on the hunt for months, and the only way to find out where she picked up that delicious bag is to bring up the courage and ask. For those of us who don’t like to approach our sartorial acquaintances out of fear of embarrassment or awkward silence, there’s an app for that.

The newest fashion app to hit the market is Style-Eyes created by Mark Hughes, Bobby Pringle and Oisín Mac Fhearaí of which is just like Shazam but for fashion. Spot someone wearing something you like? Just take a picture and Style-Eyes will identify the garment, tell you where to buy it and how much it costs. If the article of clothing isn’t in their database, then they’ll send you similar looks varying in price in order to satisfy your sartorial needs. The variety of fashion apps that are hitting the market is quite overwhelming, however this seems to changing the way we buy and the way in which e-commerce will continue to grow in the digital age.


Take it out for a test drive because you can download it for free on Google Play for Android and the App store for you iPhone users.

Let us know what you think!

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Francesca Bartolomeo is a recent graduate from the University of Toronto with a double major in French and Italian Studies. Her love of languages stems from her interest in reading anything from fiction to fashion magazines and thus decided to pursue a career in Public Relations. Born in a large Italian family in which everyone wants to know your business (getting married or reproducing any offspring are the topics of choice) her affinity for style and food from helping her Nonna make cookies in the kitchen, to admiring her parent’s style when they went out, she always knew the three Fs - fashion, food and family - would affect the way in which she lives her life. She enjoys anything of the Celine variety, dancing in front of the mirror, eating copious amounts of gelato and of course travelling, especially to her Zia’s house in southern Italy.


