imPRESS Nails - Girls Of T.O.

imPRESS Nails

HUGE thanks to Ursula (@soopheex) for being my hand model!)

My mother always told me that a woman can wear the most beautiful gown but it can all be ruined by dirt under her fingernails. It was her way of telling me to do everything in whole and pay attention to details. The literal sense also holds some merit though.

Fingernails are one of my obsessions and I try my best to keep them in perfect condition. Unfortunately despite my best efforts, Mother Nature likes to rain on my parade once in a while. Usually in the colder months I have a harder time keeping my natural nails looking as healthy so on the days where I don’t have the time to dedicate to a full manicure, I will opt for imPRESS.

I know that this product has received mixed reviews, but here is mine, completely honest and unbiased. I really like the impress nails for a number of reasons. I will lay it all out for you in a pros and cons list but let me end with this: everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another, so my suggestion is to try these out for yourself.


  • Easy to apply
  • Mess-free
  • Durable – surprisingly! Stayed on longer than the package indicated (although I know longevity hasn’t been this great for everyone who has tried them)
  • Didn’t harm the natural nail in any way during the removal process
  • Package has enough nails/sizes for two uses
  • Cute designs


  • Doesn’t come with enough removal pads but they are large enough to cut in half and used that way
  • Not as affordable as nail polish if the manicure changes every week, but are definitely more wallet-friendly if used as an alternative to gels, acrylics, or shellac.

If you’ve tested out the imPRESS manicure we’d love to hear about your experience in the comments!

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    14 November

    I do agree with your mother so much. The little details is every thing!!
    I’ve tried the Ciate Caviar nail lacquer a couple of days ago. It is really cool aswell. Watch the result here on my blog:

    We should follow eachother on bloglovin.

    Best regards a danish follower

    • Dani goddard
      Ally Lesniak

      14 November

      Your nails are fabulous!! Will have to try out that manicure one day! Thanks for checking us out! We’re following you on Bloglovi’n 🙂 xo

    • Dani goddard
      Ally Lesniak

      14 November

      Your nails are fabulous!! Will have to try out that manicure one day! Thanks for checking us out! We’re following you on Bloglovin’ 🙂 xo
