Le Beat Tropique with CÎROC and Mahiki - Girls Of T.O.

Le Beat Tropique with CÎROC and Mahiki

Le Beat Tropique with CÎROC and Mahiki

I was at the original opening of Mahiki in London over a decade ago and last week, I was at the launch of Ciroc Coconut Vodka @ Mahiki here in Toronto. Has my life really come full circle already?!

The launch party was held at EFS, one of Charles Kabooth’s ‘Entertainment District’ ventures, which was perfect for a vodka brand that personified, is a rich, sexy, LA partygoer who either has fake boobs or really likes fake boobs- either way, ‘Ciroc the person’ probably owns a yacht. Whether it was the influence of EFS, Mahiki, Ciroc or a beautiful marriage of all three, the place looked spectacular. Dancing hula girls, girls who had just been hired to stand there and look pretty, tall grass, tiki masks and other Hawaiian décor donned the club. Mahiki and Ciroc Coconut had captured a Hawaiian party paradise.

For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past seven years, Ciroc is considered ‘ultra premium’ and unlike any other vodka, it is made from French grapes instead of wheat or potato (aka. Celiac friendly). The brainchild of Puff Daddy (I think that’s what he is going by these days…) and booze giant, Diageo, Ciroc began its life as a luxury brand for people, ‘looking for something that tastes like their lifestyle.’ I assume it is not made for me…

As I have said in my previous Wine of The Week’s, one cannot appreciate decent vodka when it is hidden in mixers and sugar. How can one truly assess vodka through a cloud of grass skirts and pineapples? Although I couldn’t get my hands on a shot of Ciroc Coconut (for tasting purposes!), I can tell you that the drinks were delicious! The skilled bartenders had created beautiful cocktails, my favourite being Ciroc’s signature Ciroc Lola which consists of pineapple juice, coconut vodka, Elderflower liquor and pomegranate juice– served in a Pineapple of course!


There were four cocktails available based on four Ciroc flavoured vodkas: Coconut, Red Berry, Peach and Amaretto. These delectable drinks came in four equally as stunning vessels: a hollowed out Pineapple, a hollowed out Coconut and/or two wooden tiki cups. Recipes for these cocktails can be found on Ciroc’s website: www.ciroc.com.

A few pineapples and a couple of coconuts later, my drinking buddy and I had forgotten why we were there and decided to call it a night. The evening truly captured the spirit of Mr. Combs: premium cocktails, celebrities, fire and girls shakin’ their tail feathers in coconut bras.

Will I be drinking Ciroc again? Most likely. I would like to truly taste the vodka in order to accurately form an opinion. I would also like to purchase a bottle or two in the hopes that by doing so I will become another step closer to living the luxurious P.E. 2000 lifestyle. Mo money, Mo problems!




Featured image courtesy of Notable.ca
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Natalie Preddie recently emigrated back to Toronto after spending eight years in London, England - and she is making her presence known. She LOVES her job in Public Relations, working with clients such as Pepsi, E&J Gallo and Tropicana. Natalie is part of the Scala Network Committee, writes for a number of lifestyle publications, as well as hosting a web series featuring Toronto's influential up & comers. In her spare time, Natalie is also working toward her sommelier qualification. Work (and some pleasure) has taken her around the globe, spending a great deal of time in Asia, Africa and Europe sampling the delicious food each region has to offer. Most of all, Natalie loves wine, cheese and creating new recipes at home with her fiancé Mark. Natalie is excited to be a Girl of TO!


