Planning a winter wedding is quite an undertaking! You need to consider the weather so much more in your plans than you would during the sunnier days of the year. The photographer is certainly going to be affected by the quality of light available. Beyond that, the batteries for his cameras will last only a fraction of the time out in the cold too. For most of us, we wouldn’t brave the great outdoors in subzero temperatures, but if its what you’ve always dreamed about, here is how you can make the most of a winter wedding!
Outdoor weddings can be incredibly beautify, but having them in the wintertime requires a little clever planning. Firstly, make sure you have temporary cover available. A gazebo or wedding tent can go a long way to keeping the worst of the winter weather off you. You may choose to have scaffolders come in so you can have a builder develop a temporary structure. Most local government offices are not too adverse to this so have a chat with them in good time for your wedding date.
Wild and beautiful landscape in the background of your photography can look incredibly good. However, wild weather can make a mess of your hair, and cause your skin to tinge blue. Check you have some outdoor heaters available, and then check with your photographer he can handle any color correction necessary. Your wedding invitations will need to detail your venue plans. Make sure everyone understands what to expect from the weather, including if it is likely to be cold and exposed. You can use a template from and other websites.
Winter weddings can look so beautiful, despite many preferred blooms not being available. There are many beautiful bridal coats and wraps you can buy to keep yourself warm. Of course, the groom and other men at the wedding are likely to be layered up anyway! The best thing about a winter wedding outside is the quality of light. The air is crisper and clearer. You can get away with lots of different colors of fairy lights that will really enhance your photography. As it can get dark earlier, you can ask your photographer to create some stunning evening shots.
Your choice of footwear may be a little different in winter to the open toes of summer. The maid of honor will have a busy time keeping your wedding dress out of any winter puddles, or you may opt for a shorter length without a train. It may be that you choose to abandon an outdoors location or venue and move the party inside. Don’t be disappointed if this occurs. Make sure you have some larger floral decorations to frame your wedding shots instead. We can’t always pick the time of year we get married, but winter weddings can be even more beautiful than summer ones. If you love the thought of a snowy landscape backdrop, then a winter date to get married could be absolutely perfect for you!