My Thoughts and Goals for 2019

2019 Preparations and Goals

Ahhh 2019! I still can’t believe we are officially in 2019 because I’m definitely still writing 2018 in all my books and notes, but can you blame me? While my dates might be stuck in 2018, I am more than ready for the new year and more than ready to take on all that this year has for me.

As I write this, a part of my is still like “really, Dani?”, but as much as its normal to allow life to take over and for the New Years Resolutions to fade, I promised myself that I would stay away from resolutions and stick to what I NEED to do for ME, so that it’s more of a plan and goal rather than a resolution which can create a lot of pressure, for me at least.

Last year was not necessarily a bad year – for business and for life, but it most definitely wasn’t a great one and a lot of that came from myself and really, no other factors are to blame. I was lucky enough to cross off a few things on my lists and I was lucky enough to travel more in 2018 and it was exactly what the doctor ordered. Travelling itself really opened me up and let me experience something new which always gives me a tingle in my heart and gives me loads of motivation and inspiration.

With that being said, the last few months and weeks of 2018 made me open my eyes to a lot. That goes for the company I keep (or kept haha), how I feel about myself (truly) and what has kept me from believing in myself and putting myself out there.

That’s why when the holidays rolled around, I wanted to make a conscious effort about how I was going to live my life in 2019. And while my health, career, relationships and all that good stuff would be my focus, I wanted to tap more into the specifics of each and how I was going to be happier in 2019.

Setting Plans, Not Resolutions 

Resolutions scare me – there I said it! The new year fills me with so much hope and excitement but the second someone brings up resolutions, I get pretty anxious. It’s like, all this focus is on the end result and before I know it, I’m already discouraged, so instead of resolutions, I’m sticking to a plan. I’m not making a promise to myself, because promises get broken and I can’t handle that pressure, but I’m planning to better my life, the people in it and how I handle each situation that comes by way. I am not setting a resolution so lose weight or get fit, but I’m planning on visiting the gym every week, trying new classes and setting a schedule for each. I’m making no resolutions for where I want my career to go, but instead I’m staying positive, creating things I love and I plan to love everything I put out this year.

Plan! Plan! Plan!

More ME

I’m the first person to discuss how important self care and self love is, but honestly I’m not always practicing it. This year opened my eyes a lot to the company I kept and the obligations I always gave in to because I was too afraid of upsetting someone, but when the roles were reversed, that said person didn’t give a hoot about me. That’s why this year I’m putting ME first.

I was always so focused on what other thought, how THEY felt and what I could do for them, but what happens is that I lose track of me. Whether it’s with friends or my blog readers, I no longer want to feel influenced by others to be someone I’m not. I don’t want to feel like I have to stick to a trend, or do what others are doing to feel valued. Instead I’m focusing on me, what I want to do and what i want to share because when the day is done, I just want to feel happy with myself and the choices I’m making!

Can I get an amen?

Stay Active No Matter What

Those fitness resolutions around January 1 are on another level and rather than getting swept up in all the fitness details early in the year, I just have one focus this year and that is to stay active. Usually I focus on the weight and a specific number and of course it’s just a certain amount of time before I fall off the wagon and spend the entire year beating myself up, but no not today Satan.

This year is all about positive vibes. Yes I am going to focus more on a schedule with my eating, but dammit if I want a doughnut, I’m going to have it! With that being said, being active is a real goal for me this year. I don’t want to just go to the gym and feel like I can’t leave until I think I’ve had enough, but instead I’ll be enjoying more walks, more fitness classes with my favourite people and even walking around at a museum on a rainy day. The point is for me to be A-C-T-I-V-E and have fun while doing it! I’ve already scheduled a few classes with my YMCA family, booked a Puppy Yoga experience (YES!) and I’m already enjoying skating and swimming almost every day as of late!

Open Up More

This is a big one. I’ve been blogging for a long time now – some even call me an “OG Blogger”, but the truth of the matter is that I’ve constantly held back opening up and I can admit that it is something that has really held me back from a lot. The friends and family that know me best would NEVER say that I’m shy because well, they just know me, but I have no doubt that some of them would agree that at first I’M SHY AF! The blog used to be my voice, but somehow I feel like I’ve lost my voice and I want to gain it back. I want to share what REALLY matters to me, and not just on the blog, but in real life. I want to work on my confidence and understand the beauty in being myself and opening up, and as much as I want to be liked, I first want to be heard. I’ve had so many ups and downs and have dealt with anxiety and forms of depression so much that I just want to be there for the people who have been through the same – I want people like me to know they are not alone.

I just have so much that I want to say and I’m over holding back. I want you guys to feel what I’m feeling and to understand the person I am because when I encourage you to buy my favourite jeans, or try this new restaurant that I love, I don’t want you to just try it, I want you to believe me.

Experience Everything

After travelling to Europe last year I have not only been hit with the travel bug, but I have a serious case of travel pneumonia – I just want to visit, explore and see as much as I can this year. Before 2018, I just felt like I had never seen enough and while Europe was the perfect catapult to do that, it made me realize that there is more to experience aside from visiting another country. This year, I want to experience new workouts, new activities (is skydiving too extreme?), new countries and even new restaurants and spots in my own backyard where no one else visits. I want to focus on the beauty in everything and dammit, I want to turn everything into an adventure!

Guys, I’m ready to really open up this year and I think its time. This is just a short but sweet intro into my thoughts for 2019, but I have no doubt that I’ll be sharing more and I hope you stick along. I’d love to know though, what are some of your goals for 2019?

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