Paris Hilton Sued for $35M - That's NOT Hot - Girls Of T.O.

Paris Hilton Sued for $35M – That’s NO...

Paris Hilton Sued for $35M – That’s NOT Hot

Oh Paris Hilton, when will you learn? If you’re going to be a spokesperson, do it for something you can commit to – like alcohol or reckless driving. Contracts are still contracts, even if they’re on scented pink paper.

Paris the heiress (ha! It rhymes) to much more money than I’d know what to do with, is being sued for $35 MILLION! Is it just me or is that a lot of moolah? And all that for wearing hair extensions of some competitor for the brand she was repping – tsk tsk!

It’s not rocket science Paris. When you’re told “don’t touch the stove when it’s on, you’ll get burned” they aren’t blowin’ smoke up your hooha (although I’m sure that’s something she’d love to videotape – zing!).

Lesson be learned – if you want a spokesperson, call Nicole Richie – haha I had to say it.


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