Philips Wake-up Light Review
As previously mentioned here, I was dedicated to living a healthier lifestyle and I knew that my sleep was the best place to start. With the winter season here, there are fewer daylight hours so it has been easy to feel sluggish and exhausted when the alarm goes off while it’s still dark outside.
However, since using the Wake Up Light, I can already see that it has not only affected my sleep routine, but it has positively affected my day to day routine. The Philips Wake-up Light was designed to combine light and sound to wake you in a more natural way, so my body and mind are finally getting the time each morning to wake up and feel refreshed as the Wake Up Light gradually gets brighter.
Rather than waking up every few moments in the morning in anticipation of my alarm, the Wake up light gradually brightens to yellow 30 minutes before your set alarm time which signals the body to move from keep to waking – creating a more natural wake up experience. The alarm options also include 2 nature sounds or FM radio so you can wake up to the sound of your choice! I happen to love the FM radio option because it has now become what I listen to while getting ready in the morning as well!
Between the light intensity options and sound options, I now find that waking up with the Philips Wake Up Light is personal to my needs and what I need to wake up refreshed and rested! Choose your desired light intensity to wake up to based on your personal light sensitivity.
Not only is the silver design a stylish option on your bedside but the wake up light itself is so easy to use and has truly made a big difference in my sleep pattern. 2016 is now just around the corner so I’m sure that the new year will bring a healthier me AND a more rested me as well!
The Philips Wake Up Light is available now for $99.99 at London Drugs and