Proactiv Solutions - Girls Of T.O.

Proactiv Solutions



My skin has hated me since I can remember. Thanks to some hereditary illness (thanks mom) my hormones freak out randomly and I look like the blow fish from Finding Nemo.

The problems started when I was 13 and although they have calmed down quite a bit, I still have to be very careful with what I put on my skin.

I ordered Proactiv years ago and due to some mistake on their end, I ended up with a complimentary year supply. Unfortunately, I couldn’t be bothered to try the system properly so I can’t tell you if followed to the letter it will work but if used sporadically it wreaks havoc. I don’t buy into the “it has to get worse before it gets better” thing for any situation. I instantly saw problems and I think it was because of the repairing lotion. My face became itchy and I started getting bumps under my skin. Gross!

But this post isn’t to bash Proactiv or its products. That line may not have worked for me but I do like the products shown above. I have the green tea moisturizer to my beau and he uses it every night before bed. It smells really fresh and clean, which is a bonus. It doesn’t break him out or cause any irritation.

The pore cleansing system works just like most nose/face strips to remove blackheads. A temporary fix but does a pretty good job. The cleansing bar I used to wash my hands with. It didn’t dry them out and had a pleasant scent.

The Daily Oil Control cream I’m probably most indifferent about because I didn’t see a huge difference using it but that could be because my face doesn’t get very oily. Perhaps it’s meant for someone who struggles with that more than I do. I’ve given this to my father who really likes it!

Have you tried any of these products or others from Proactiv?


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