Being healthy can mean many different things. It could mean being free of sickness or disease, low in body fat, free of depression or mental illness, or high in confidence. Apart from these, there are other ways you can still be unhealthy by subconsciously surrounding yourself with negativity, jealousy, greed, narcissism, imitation or fraud which can be feel just as life threatening.
Here’s some simple tips that sometimes us 20-something girls forget about (it’s okay, we’re all guilty of at least one – even me) – most of which are no-brainers but important nonetheless:
Don’t: Restrict yourself from pleasure-foods like chocolate, wine, and cheese. Eat junk food in moderation ‘cause there’s absolutely nothing wrong with treating yourself once in a while. Don’t count calories or over-extend on exercise to make up for it!
Do: Eat real food. Things that grow or were at one time, alive. Frozen pizzas, eggo’s and kraft dinner are not food. Stick with the outer perimeter of your grocery store: veggies, fruit, bread, meat, cheese, eggs, milk, etc. The good stuff will raise your energy levels and endorphin’s all the while helping you lose pounds.
Don’t: Keep your phone glued to your hip (or under your pillow at night). Disconnect entirely from email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as much as you can. Especially Instagram – next thing you know you’ll look up to find you’ve been scrolling through photos for over an hour (FOMO isn’t real, guys).
Do: Sleep, read, take walks, write, make art, listen to music as much as possible. I can’t stress how important this is. All of these activities rejuvenate and replenish your body’s energy and flow in the most positive way. Do these and you will feel more creative, intelligent, emotional and productive. The latest episode of Walking Dead can wait (awesome show though, amirite?)
Don’t: Follow diet-fads or exercises, especially one’s that ask for money. Oh and don’t become a vegan because it’s like, so kewl right now. Be a vegan if you truly believe in it.
Do: Educate yourself about what it means to be healthy FOR YOU. Physically take note of what food’s make you feel good or bad or which workouts make you feel the least like you’re working out (and more like having fun). Create your own recipes and routines, set your own goals. Of course, it’s okay to have mentors and inspiration, but don’t compare yourself to the girl on Instagram who has a completely different regime than yours.
Don’t: Overload your online friends with every breath you make. Stop posting you complete on +NikePlus and every green smoothie you make. I’m just going to say it: you annoy everyone who follows you, and even more, come off as someone trying to prove to the world that you’re a good person, “Hey everyone, look how healthy I am!” Share milestone moments and be healthy for only yourself. You don’t have to justify it to anyone.
Do: See friends and family more often. Face-to-Face contact is something everyone takes for granted these days, so limit what you share (about your personal life) across your social media channels and instead take old friends/new friends out for coffee/drinks/dinner and tell them in person about your new job, trip to Europe or engagement. This is way more rewarding on a mental and emotional level than the amount of “Likes” you get from strangers by using 20 different hashtags, #trust.
Don’t: Let anyone make you feel like you’re not good enough or not skinny enough, or have the best clothes, or run the furthest or fastest, or eat the best free-range, local and organic chicken. Those people suck and they don’t need to be in your life. Move at your own pace, spend money how you want to spend your money, and eat how you want to eat.
Do: Go to Yoga, call your Mom and Dad, book that trip, take time for your hobbies and love yourself. Not only is it important to listen to what your mind and body wants, but living life honestly and simply will do wonders for your overall well-being. In time you will find your stress-levels will lower, your confidence will rise, you won’t feel the need to compete and you will find the urge to achieve your own goals.