How To Stick With Your Goals of Getting Fit &...

How To Stick With Your Goals of Getting Fit & Healthy This Year

How To Stick With Your Goals of Getting Fit & Healthy This Year

How many of you have set yourself a goal this year to get fit and healthy? I think after overindulging over the holidays, it feels completely normal to want to have a detox. Some of us will want to follow through with our goals and make the detox or health kick, last longer than a couple of weeks in January. Here are a few little tips to help you stick with those goals this year.


Write Them Down

When we write our goals down, we become more accountable for them. Stick them on your fridge or your mirror. It needs to be somewhere that you will see every day and then it will act as a reminder. You can also write down mini-goals to help you get to your main ones. If you want to get fit and get into running, how about aiming to do a 5k race? Then towards the end of the year perhaps a 10k? It is satisfying to tick off when things have been achieved too.

Get the Right Equipment

It can be hard to eat right or get fit if you don’t have everything that you need. If you wanted to do a juice cleanse but don’t have a juicer, it is a good reason just to give up on that goal. Go and get a juicer if that is something that you want to do. If you want to learn to ride a bike or do a cycle race, then you will need the right bicycling equipment. You will need more than just a bike. Have a look at circle city bicycles to see everything that you’d need.


Get a Friend Involved

I think it is part of human nature that we are more likely to stick to something if competition is involved. If you can recruit a friend to be a running buddy or a weight loss competitor, then you will do so much better. You can see who loses the most weight each week and encourage each other. For sticking to goals, having a buddy along for the ride is a must.

Change Your Lifestyle

You are more likely to stick to your goals if you make smaller changes along the way to change your lifestyle. Being healthy and fit isn’t just temporary. You need to think about it and work on it all the time until it becomes part of your everyday life. It will become natural to make healthier choices eventually. Your body just needs retraining.

Think about things you can start doing more of to become fitter. Can you take the stairs instead of the elevator? Can you get off the bus one stop early to walk the rest of the way? Walking and just generally being more active will certainly help you to change your lifestyle. You should aim to do at least 10,000 steps per day. Perhaps invest in a step counter and see where you are at already.

Good luck with your goals this year. I hope that you achieve all that you want to!

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