Sunflower Fields - Girls Of T.O.

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower Fields

I’m sure you’ve heard all about the Bogle Seeds Sunflower Farm and all the drama that went with it this season, so I want to make sure that you guys know that these pictures were taken a merely 24 hours before the disaster at the farm went down.

If you aren’t familiar with it all, visit here for the lowdown on the Bogle Seeds farm closing for the good

With that be said, I am both so sad and angry to see the lengths some will go for just “the perfect shot”. As content creators, we are determined to do such, but we also know how hard we have all worked to get recognized as a legitimate business and not just “snapping photos and looking pretty”. Sadly though, with people pushing boundaries and even going as far as to cause an early shut down of a sunflower field, it brings up the question “how far is too far” to get the content we need.

There have been a number of sources discussing this issue, so I will save you all the rant, but I just want anyone and everyone to remember when visiting a public business and looking to take photos for the gram, be polite, ask for permission, and please be respectful.

For now, keep scrolling for shots my Mama and I took while visiting the stunning Bogle Seeds Sunflower Fields.


Denim Shorts – GAP / Blouse – Forever 21 Plus / Hat – Lack of Color / Bag – Guess 

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