Events Fashion Travel How Important are Stylists and Editors? Isabella Blow Exhibit by Lucia Sansone 25 February SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest To honour London Fashion Week we take a look at one of the most important fashion icons to come out of Britain who can be..
Events Home Decor Lifestyle Finding Printed Inspiration at IDS2014 by Lisa Raffaele 7 February SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Prints are hot this season, on the runway and when it comes to décor, that was obvious at IDS2014. On everything from full-length wall murals..
Events Inspiration Dior @ Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow by Girls Of T.O. 27 April SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest The “Inspiration Dior” exhibition was inaugurated yesterday at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow. It presents a unique dialogue between major masterpieces that..