Fashion Featured S/S 2014 Go On A Summer Getaway With Forever 21 by Lucia Sansone 21 May SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Summer forever? We are totally onboard for that. This season Forever 21 wants to be your go to no matter where your summer plans may..
Fashion Marilyn Monroe Inspired 1950’s Vintage Beach Shoot by Girls Of T.O. 21 July SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Marilyn Monroe is a true definition of the word “icon”. She embodied everything that women wanted, want, and will want to be. We’re not really..
Fashion L*Space Summer 2012 by Girls Of T.O. 6 July SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Swimsuit season is here!! For sweltering heat the best cure is an itty bitty, teeny weeny yellow polka-dot bikini. Okay, so L*SPace may not have..