Featured Home Decor Lifestyle Spring Ahead into Reno Season by Danielle Iogna 19 March SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest I don’t know about you, but I’m 100% done with winter. I’m longing for weather warm enough where I can finally put away my boots..
Trends Lifestyle Home Decor Refresh Your Space With Radiant Orchid by Lisa Raffaele 8 January SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest If you’re looking to refresh your space this year, may I suggest a touch of Radiant Orchid inspiration? To be honest, when I first heard..
Featured Home Decor Lifestyle Trends Geometric and Graphic Wallpaper Home Trends by Danielle Iogna 7 January SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest The more I hear about trends for 2014, it’s apparent that modern and geometric styles are playing a big roll in home design. One of..
Lifestyle Home Decor House and Home Trends for 2014 by Danielle Iogna 3 January SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest House and Home magazine has featured the top ten home trends for 2014 in their January issue. What’s great about a lot of these trends..
Featured Home Decor Lifestyle Trends Benjamin Moore Announces Colour Trends for 2014 by Danielle Iogna 28 November SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest With 2014 less than two months away, Benjamin Moore has already taken a leap into the New Year with their colour trends for 2014. Coined..