Fashion GOTO Style GOTO Style: Working On My Etiquette by Dani Goddard 25 September SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Anything black and gold and I’m pretty much sold, not to mention gold chains and champagne! Tee – Bad Etiquette/ Plaid Shirt – Tommy..
Fashion GOTO Style GOTO Style: Parisian Stripes by Dani Goddard 9 September SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Stripes. Forever and always. Denim Jacket – Old Navy/ Striped Shirt – Gap / Pleates Shorts & Hat – H&M / Shoes – Zara
Fashion Featured GOTO Style GOTO Style: Current Staples by Dani Goddard 2 September SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest My current staples are getting me through the gradual transition from summer to fall. Currently loving this sleeveless blouse from French Connection. The stripes..