The Importance of Regular Eye Exams

The Importance of Regular Eye Exams

The Importance of Regular Eye Exams


As we go through life, there are many health checks we should have to make sure we’re well. From dental checkups to mammograms, it can feel like you’re constantly being poked and prodded. But there are reasons for all of these appointments, which exist to help us stay healthy. Eye exams are just one of the essential procedures you should attend on a regular basis. Whether young or old, there are conditions that can affect your eyesight. Many of them can get worse the longer you leave them, so regular appointments are crucial. Read this information about eye exams and conditions to find out why.

Regular Eye Exams

You probably remember seeing an eye doctor regularly as a child. But adults can get a little more relaxed about it, and stop going as often. However, even when you’re older, you need to have your eyes checked regularly. In fact, it’s especially important as you age into your 40s and 50s or if you have diabetes. When you go for an eye exam, they check for a variety of things. Firstly, they look for whether you have near- or farsightedness, or astigmatism. These are common conditions that many people wear glasses and contact lenses for. They also look out for eye diseases, such as glaucoma. You can find out about how much exams cost on Sources like this will also help you save money on your test and anything you might need to correct your vision.

Beauty close-up of woman's eyes

Conditions Requiring Glasses

If you already wear glasses or contact lenses, going for regular eye exams is even more important. The same goes for if you have any sort of eye condition. It’s important to have regular checks to see if your vision has worsened or even improved. If you don’t wear glasses or contact lenses, you could still require them in the future. Your vision can change at any time.


One of the conditions that an eye doctor will check for is glaucoma. This disease affects the drainage of fluid in your eyeball, which causes pressure to build up. It’s especially important to test for it if you’re over 40 or have a history of glaucoma in your family. There are a few of ways to do it, including an eye pressure test. A small amount of anesthetic and dye is placed on your cornea, and a blue light is held against it to measure the intraocular pressure.

Diabetic Retinopathy

If you have diabetes, you can be at risk of losing the sign in one or both of your eyes. Regular eye exams are essential, as diabetic retinopathy is a common complication of the disease. Diabetes can damage your retina by narrowing your blood vessels or causing them to bleed or leak.

As you age, there will be more eye conditions you could be susceptible to. For example, age-related macular degeneration is most common in people over 50. However, it’s still important to have eye exams at any age, no matter how old you are.

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