TOMS Supports World Sight Day - Girls Of T.O.

TOMS Supports World Sight Day

Today, Thursday, October 9, marks World Sight DayTOMS is working to create awareness about the 285 million people in the world, including 19 million children, who are visually impaired or blind – and that 80 per cent of visual impairment worldwide can be cured or prevented.

We want you to get involved and show your support! Just take a photo of the view you are most grateful for and share it via social media,  tagging  #GiveSight and #TOMSCanada. Have fun and get creative – and help us raise awareness by showcasing the view you appreciate being able to see.

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TOMS founder Blake Mycoskie launched TOMS Eyewear and its Sight Giving model in 2011 to help restore sight to people in need. With every purchase of TOMS sunglasses and optical frames, TOMS will provide a person in need with prescription glasses, medical treatment or sight-saving surgery. To date, TOMS has helped restore sight to over 200,000 people in 13 countries around the world.

To learn more about TOMS Sight Giving model and World Sight Day, watch this video or visit
Please join us and share a photo today!
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