On a very warm and sunny afternoon The Spoke Club hosted the launch of Urb’n Lili, a new line of delicious and practically guilt-free cocktails!
The ladies of Sex & the City may have helped boost sales in cosmopolitans but Urb’n Lili has definitely customized the recipe for today’s woman.
Made in Canada, the blend of vodka with extracts such as ginseng, green tea, and ginkgo biloba to name a few, is almost healthy! Unlike a lot of bottled adult beverages, it is not carbonated so you won’t get that unwanted bloating and burping – it’s not lady-like anyway. Also, with only 7% alcohol you don’t have to worry so much about if it’ll go straight to your pretty little head.
The sleek plastic bottles come in a 300ml x 4-pack for only $13.95 and are 100% recyclable- friendly to your wallet and the environment! You can find them at the LCBO in the Cosmocran flavour. We’re definitely looking forward to Lychee and Menthalime – we think the three colours will look super cute lined up in our fridge!
After the wonderful launch party we were given some Urb’n Lili to take home and share with our friends. We did just that and celebrated Ally’s sister Ursula’s birthday! Some of the ladies were a little skeptical, having tried other bottled cosmos, but after a sip or two we won them over. As much as we hate to admit it, the last bottle was saved and discretely sipped on during the walk to a local bar – classy, we know but at least we can say it makes the perfect roadie!
Cheers! xoxo