Health & Wellness: 10 Things Everybody Should Know - Girls Of T.O.

Health & Wellness: 10 Things Everybody Should...

Health & Wellness: 10 Things Everybody Should Know

Health & Wellness: 10 Things Everybody Should Know

Wellness is about everything to do with your well being. It’s about your physical health. It’s about your mental health. It’s even about the spiritual side of things, so if you want to have a great sense of well being, whatever you’re doing and wherever you are, here are 10 things you should know about wellness:


  1. Wellness Is A Journey Not A Destination

Don’t think that one day you’ll wake up, all will be well, and that’s it. You don’t have to do anything else forever and ever. Wellness is a journey, not a destination. It’s something you work on for life.

  1. Taking Care Of Your Body Is Important

Wellness includes taking care of the body, of course. You do this by eating foods that energise you and make you feel good. Exercise is essential too. Treat your body the way it deserves to be treated!

  1. Loving Yourself Isn’t Vain

Loving yourself is a skill, and it definitely isn’t vain. Taking a selfie doesn’t mean you love yourself. You need positive self talk and you need to make sure you’re telling yourself a positive story. Loving yourself is a process too, and you may need to change some old habits. If you don’t love yourself, you can’t expect anybody else to.


  1. Find Your Tribe

Find the people you resonate with the most. It’s OK to outgrow relationships and friends. We’re all evolving, after all. The more you are yourself and follow passions, the more you’ll attract people like you. Finding your tribe will give you a group of people who understand you. You don’t necessarily need to go looking for them; just be yourself!

  1. Express Your Emotions Safely To Heal

It’s OK to express your emotions, but you shouldn’t get attached to them. This is the ego, and funnily enough, it enjoys suffering sometimes. Work on working out why you feel certain ways, and then letting those emotions go. You might need to go deep to heal certain emotions, but again, it’s worth it.

  1. Get Help If You Need It

If you need help from a therapist or someone similar, get it. You should never be ashamed. We all need a little help sometimes!

  1. There Are Many Techniques To Help You

There are so many techniques out there to help you. You don’t need to pay for therapy if you don’t want it. There’s EFT, mirror work, affirmations, and so much more. Wellness Wildflower and similar sites have more information if you need it!


  1. Make Time Each Day To Work On Yourself

Make time each day to work on yourself. It’s just as important as working on professional goals!

  1. Only You Have The Power

Only you have the power to change yourself and your life. Nobody else can save you. Don’t try to change your life without changing yourself first, though!

  1. It’s A Bit Of A Rollercoaster

Wellness is a bit of a rollercoaster. It won’t always be fun and happy. Just starting out, you may need to feel unpleasant feelings. It’s all part of the process!

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