World MasterCard Toronto Fashion Week S/S 2014: Maison Matthew Gallagher - Girls Of T.O.

World MasterCard Toronto Fashion Week S/S 2014: Ma...

World MasterCard Toronto Fashion Week S/S 2014: Maison Matthew Gallagher


Canadian born designer Matthew Gallagher returned to the Toronto runway for his sophomore season to show his Maison Matthew Gallagher Spring/Summer 2014 collection.

This collection was inspired by his time spent living, training and working in the South of Italy. If this is what summer of 2014 looks like in Italy I will start saving my air miles now.


Crop tops have not seen their final day. MMG recreated the hot item of the summer in a sophisticated and sleek way. While not suited to a Canadian winter, this may be a look I sport layered beneath my parka.

Cream, pale blue and blush pink are seen throughout this delicate and feminine collection that oozes luxury. There are too many pieces on my wish list to name them all.  My top priority is a cream high-waisted pencil skirt, but would ‘settle’ for any of the beautiful looks featured in this show.

Find out more about Matthew Gallagher on his website.







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Sarah studied English and Communications at Wilfrid Laurier University and has a postgraduate certificate in Public Relations from Humber College. Sarah currently does communications for a Toronto based health care organization, and is looking forward to putting her creative energy to work through GOTO. Sarah is looking to share her craftiness and love of life, beauty and fun with the readers of GOTO. Stay tuned while Sarah shows her passion for taking something ordinary and making it beautiful. Is there something you've always wanted to make or recreate in your home? Tell Sarah and she's on it! A self-proclaimed culture junkie, Sarah is eager to explore all the wonder that Toronto has to offer. Her curious nature and love of writing can be traced back to her childhood admirations for Harriet the Spy. "I want to see the whole world- and I want to write down everything" - Harriet the Spy


